
10 December 2018

Dave Parvin, MD from Drug Sense UK, visited School to talk to students, staff and parents, as part of the Parent Seminar Programme.

Dave delivered a fantastic talk on drugs, including information about different drugs, what the effects can be and the very real dangers of taking these substances, highlighted by real stories, photos and videos.


A large focus was on why people make the decision to try drugs and what factors play a part. Dave spoke about the “moment of madness”, the split second decision that can have a very real and, often, life-changing effect on the individual and their families as well.

Whether it’s pressure, curiosity or accessibility that drives people to try drugs, Dave wanted to get across how important it is to remember how the same drug can have very different results on each individual due to a person’s own DNA; it’s not possible to watch friends taking something to decide whether it will make it safe for you to take. 

Dave also highlighted the huge part alcohol plays in the decision-making process when taking drugs and how, being caught with Class A drugs on you can have a devastating impact on your future, including travel plans, as many countries, including the US, will not let people in with a drug related record.

Dave’s insightful talk was an essential look into the damaging effects that drugs can have and we’d like to thank him for visiting the School to speak with us about this important issue.